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Astronomical Space Sciences (CESSI)

Department of Physical Sciences, has a very active research group in the area of Laser and Photonics. The group is involved in both theoretical and experimental arena of optics. The theoretical optics research groups are primarily working in the area of quantum and nonlinear optics. The research topics include the followings: coherent control and electromagnetically induced transparency; optical imaging beyond diffraction limit; parity-time symmetric optics; quantum optomechanics; quantum information and entanglement; optical solitons; modulation instability; plasmon induced transparency and so on. On the other hand, experimental optics groups are involved in research related to: Fourier Optics, Fiber Optics, Tera-Hertz Optics and Atom Optics. Image 01Image 02Image 03Image 04Image 05Image 06Image 07Image 08Image 09 Followings are the primary research topics: programmable Diffractive Optics; confocal microscopy; interferometry; Tera-Hertz plasmonics and metamaterials; Laser cooling and trapping of atoms; Surface Plasmon Resonance based Sensors; Fiber Bragg Gratings and based Devices; Fiber Optic Sensor, Bio/Nano-Photonics and so on. Apart from the above, there is an active research group involved in research related to optical phenomena in thin films. The topics include the followings: Laser produced plasmas, laser ablation deposition of thin films, laser-based sensors and plasma diagnostics. Optics research group, apart from its research, is also engaged in organization of various symposiums, conferences and schools in optics. To mention a few prominent ones are the followings: International conference on fiber optics and photonics-Photonics 10, SERC Preparatory School on Modern Optics, SERB School on Frontiers in Quantum optics and International conference on Recent trends in cold and ultra-cold matter.

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Group Coordinator

Dibyendu Nandi
033 - 00000000
dnandi [at]

Faculty Members

Postdoctoral Fellow

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