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Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology (AGC)

The members of the Astrophysics, Gravitation, and Cosmology (AGC) group work with their minds, pens, paper, and computers, mixed with a dose of romance for our subject. We work on various areas of physics, ranging from the scale of the Sun to our universe. One core area of research involves the physics of the Sun and stars, star-planet interactions, and exoplanetary sciences. In the area of computational astrophysics, the group focuses on fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiative transfer to understand stellar activity and dynamics around compact objects. The fundamental areas of quantum field theory in curved spacetime are also investigated, as are their astrophysical implications. The group is involved in the LIGO gravitational wave collaboration and works actively on several aspects of the General Theory of Relativity and its extensions. The members also get engaged in research in the area of cosmology along with its observational implications and connections to particle physics. For more details about the research activities of each member, please consult their personal profile pages, research interests, and publications.

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Group Coordinator

Koushik Dutta
Associate Professor
+91 33 6136 0000 Extn: 1353
koushik [at]

Faculty Members

Dibyendu Nandi

Golam Mortuza Hossain
Associate Professor

Koushik Dutta
Associate Professor

Sudip Kumar Garain
Assistant Professor

Raghunath Ghara
Ramanujan Fellow (DPS)