Year: 2024 [20]

[114] Dr. Santanu Tripathy
Thesis Title: Influence of A on Blackhole spacetimes.
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak

[113] Dr. Tanima Duary
Thesis Title: Thermodynamical Aspects of Some Cosmological Models.
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Ananda Dasgupta
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Ananda Dasgupta

[112] Dr. Nilanjana Chanda
Thesis Title: Effect of Drive-Induced Dissipation on Quantum Dynamics: Application in Quantum Control and Mesurement.
Supervisor: Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya
Supervisor: Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya

[111] Dr. Shyamal Guchhait
Thesis Title: Emergent Spin-Polarization Optical Effects in Hybridized Nanoscale Optical Systems.
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[110] Dr. Bishnupada Ghosh
Thesis Title: High Pressure Studies on Structural and Electronic Properities of Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides and possible Earth Core Materials.
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee

[109] Dr. Sayani Pal
Thesis Title: Topological Insulator-Based Spintronics: Study of Magnetization Dynamics and Spin-Pumping Phenomenon.
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra

[108] Dr. Soumik Aon
Thesis Title: Exploring the Effect of Spin Currents in Heavy Metals and Ferromagnetic Metals Using Harmonic Hall Ferromagnetic Resonance Techniques.
Supervisor: Prof. Partha Mitra
Supervisor: Prof. Partha Mitra

[107] Dr. Saptarshi Saha
Thesis Title: Nonequlibrium Quantum Dynamics of Dissipative Dipolar Systems.
Supervisor: Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya
Supervisor: Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya

[106] Dr. Jami Prashanti
Thesis Title: Effect of Disorder on Thermal Phases Associated with Two-Dimensional Melting.
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal

[105] Dr. Anjan Kumar N M
Thesis Title: Ultrafast and Terahertz Spectroscopy of 2D Magnetic Materials and Transition Metal Oxides.
Supervisor: Prof. Kamaraju Natarajan
Supervisor: Prof. Kamaraju Natarajan

[104] Dr. Narayan Kundu
Thesis Title: Electron-Inpact Resonant and Quasi-resonant Charge Transfer Disssociation in Search of Beyond Dipole Transitions.
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi

[103] Dr. Anirban Paul
Thesis Title: Low-energy electron collision dynamics of a few atmospherically and biologically important molecules.
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi

[102] Dr. Suvam Roy
Thesis Title: Origin of Life : Insights from Comutational Models.
Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Sengupta
Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Sengupta

[101] Dr. Rajiuddin Sk
Thesis Title: Information-Theoretic Aspects of Correlated Quantum Channels and Quantum Correlations: A Comprehensive Study.
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[100] Dr. Debabrata Samanta
Thesis Title: High Pressure and Low Temperature Studies on Lead Free Halide Perovskites.
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee

[99] Dr. Manali Malakar
Thesis Title: Exotic Phases and Excitations of Bosons in Optical lattices: a Cluster mean Field Study at Zero and Finite Temperatures.
Supervisor: Prof. Subhasis Sinha
Supervisor: Prof. Subhasis Sinha

[98] Dr. Souradeep Ghosh
Thesis Title: Thermodynamics of Association in Interacting Charged Polymers.
Supervisor: Prof. Arindam Kundagrami
Supervisor: Prof. Arindam Kundagrami

[97] Dr. Soumya Mukherjee
Thesis Title: Investigation of lights Harvesting and Magnetic Quantum Materials Using Ultrafast and terahertz Spectroscopy.
Supervisor: Prof. Kamaraju Natarajan
Supervisor: Prof. Kamaraju Natarajan

[96] Dr. Arnab Acharya
Thesis Title: Measurements, Wavefunction Collapse and Dynamics of the Quantum Impact Oscillator.
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee

[95] Dr. Indranil Mukherjee
Thesis Title: Phase Separation of Active Particles on a Lattice.
Supervisor: Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mohanty
Supervisor: Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mohanty
Year: 2023 [12]

[94] Dr. Niladri Modak
Thesis Title: Weak measurements in spin-orbit optical systems: fundamental consequences and application prospects.
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[93] Dr. Souraj Ghosh
Thesis Title:
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee and Prof. Anandamohan Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee and Prof. Anandamohan Ghosh

[92] Dr. Soumik Mitra
Thesis Title: Competitive Roles of Entropy and Energy in the Thermodynamics of Charged Polymers.
Supervisor: Prof. Subhasis Sinha and Prof. Arindam Kundagrami
Supervisor: Prof. Subhasis Sinha and Prof. Arindam Kundagrami

[91] Dr. Vivekananda Adak
Thesis Title: Transport Sinatures of Spain Berry Phase and Majorana Ferminions in Edge States of Quantum Spain Hall Insulator.
Supervisor: Prof. Sourin Das
Supervisor: Prof. Sourin Das

[90] Dr. Basabendra Roy
Thesis Title: Spectroscopic Investigation of the Zero-point renormalization Excitonic Mott Transition and Ultrafast Quasiparticle.
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal

[89] Dr. Roshan Tiwari
Thesis Title: Spectroscopy of Bioinspired Organic Microwaveguides and Cavities : Towards Femtomolar Sensing of Analytes.
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee

[88] Dr. Satyaki Kundu
Thesis Title: Critically and metastability around first-order hysteretic phase transitions.
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal

[87] Dr. Susobhan Mandal
Thesis Title: Studies in Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime and Its Implications for Compact Stars.
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[86] Dr. Samrat Roy
Thesis Title: Experimental studied of intriguing effects of laser-induced thermal gradient in different domains of light-matter interactions: from nonlinear optical effects in organic molecules to helicity dependent current in topological insulators.
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal

[85] Dr. Diganta Parai
Thesis Title: Some Studies on Holographic Superconductor
Supervisor: Prof.
Supervisor: Prof.

[84] Dr. Ramita Sarkar
Thesis Title: Quantum Correlations and Non-Classical Properties of Hypergraph States.
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[83] Dr. Shibendu Gupta Choudhury
Thesis Title: Application of the Raychaudhuri Equation in Gravitational Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Ananda Dasgupta
Supervisor: Prof. Ananda Dasgupta
Year: 2022 [11]

[82] Dr. Debangana Mukhopadhyay
Thesis Title: Understanding the Underlying Mechanisms of Pattern Formation: Biological Tissue Development to Biofilm Generation
Supervisor: Prof. Rumi De
Supervisor: Prof. Rumi De

[81] Dr. Anant Vijay Varma
Thesis Title: Study of Temporal Correlations in Non-Unitary Quantum Dynamics
Supervisor: Prof. Sourin Das
Supervisor: Prof. Sourin Das

[80] Dr. Suchetana Pal
Thesis Title: Features of the Holographic Superconductors
Supervisor: Prof. and Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. and Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[79] Dr. Dipanjan Chakraborty
Thesis Title: Theoretical Study of Collective Dynamics of a Prey Swarm: Exploring the Influence of Inertia, Heterogeneity, and Local Interactions on Its Survival Under Predator Attack
Supervisor: Prof. Rumi De
Supervisor: Prof. Rumi De

[78] Dr. Siddhartha Patra
Thesis Title: Entanglement Signatures of Correlated Electron Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Siddhartha Lal
Supervisor: Prof. Siddhartha Lal

[77] Dr. Aditya Kumar Sahu
Thesis Title: Electronic and Optical Properties of Gold and Gold Composite Nanoparticles
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj

[76] Dr. Souvik Sil
Thesis Title: Optical Trapping of Absorbing Mesoscopic Particles in Air Using Photophoretic Forces
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee

[75] Dr. Purba Mukherjee
Thesis Title: Non-Parametric Reconstruction of Some Cosmological Parameters
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee

[74] Dr. Avijit Kundu
Thesis Title: Studies and Applications of Microscopic Forces in Optically Trapped Brownian Particles Embedded in Complex Fluids
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee

[73] Dr. Priyasri Kar
Thesis Title: Algebraization of the Heun Class of Equations: Solutions and Physical Applications
Supervisor: Prof. Ritesh K. Singh
Supervisor: Prof. Ritesh K. Singh

[72] Dr. Partho Sakha De
Thesis Title: Theoretical Study of Stick-Slip Dynamics at the Cell Leading Edge and Cellular Mechanosensing
Supervisor: Prof. Rumi De
Supervisor: Prof. Rumi De
Year: 2021 [8]

[71] Dr. Kingshuk Mukhuti
Thesis Title: Optical and Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy of Semiconductors and Upconverting Nanoparticles
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal

[70] Dr. Tapas Bar
Thesis Title: Signatures of Criticality in Abrupt Metal-Insulator Transitions
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal

[69] Dr. Srijita Sinha
Thesis Title: ON STRUCTURE FORMATION IN THE UNIVERSE; Perturbations In Some Dark Energy Models
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[68] Dr. Maitraya Kanta Bhattacharyya
Thesis Title: Towards Non-Linear Perturbations of Black Holes in Horizon-Penetrating Coordinates
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak

[67] Dr. Anushree Datta
Thesis Title: Effect of Magnetic Fields on Strongly Correlated d-Wave Superconductors and Disordered s-Wave Superconductors
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal

[66] Dr. Avijit Chowdhury
Thesis Title: ON THE LAWS OF BLACK HOLE MECHANICS FOR HAIRY BLACK HOLES; On the Effect of Scalar Fields on Hawking Radiation and Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[65] Dr. Shreya Banerjee
Thesis Title: Quantum Correlations: Geometry and Applications
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[64] Dr. Anirban Mukherjee
Thesis Title: Unitary Renormalization Group for Correlated Electrons
Supervisor: Prof. Siddhartha Lal
Supervisor: Prof. Siddhartha Lal
Year: 2020 [12]

[63] Dr. Sachin Pandey
Thesis Title: Aspects of Quantum Cosmology Addressing Non Unitarity in Bianchi Models; Aspects of Quantum Cosmology
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee and Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[62] Dr. Soumyajit Seth
Thesis Title: Observations of Nonsmooth Bifurcation Phenomena in Switching Electronic Circuits
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee

[61] Dr. Chiranjeeb Singha
Thesis Title: Aspects of accelerating universe and the de Sitter spacetime; Studies in Thermal Aspects of Schwarzschild Spacetime
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[60] Dr. Subhrokoli Ghosh
Thesis Title: Micro-fabrication of Electronic Circuits by Light Induced Self-assembly of an Organic Polymer Using Optical Tweezers; A Study of Microbubble Based Diverse Phenomena in Optical Tweezers
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee

[59] Dr. Ankit Kumar Singh
Thesis Title: Polarimetric Investigations on Coupled Plasmons and Plasmonic Fano Resonances; Spin-Optical Effects in Micro and Nanoscale Optical Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[58] Dr. Anurag Banerjee
Thesis Title: Competing Charge Density Wave and s-wave Superconductivity in Inhomogeneous systems; Inhomogeneities in Correlated Quantum Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal

[57] Dr. Rafiqul Rahaman
Thesis Title: Study of Anomalous Gauge Boson Self-Couplings and the Role of Spin-1 Polarizations
Supervisor: Prof. Ritesh K. Singh
Supervisor: Prof. Ritesh K. Singh

[56] Dr. Soumen Kumar Patra
Thesis Title: Statistics of Lyapunov Exponents of Dynamical Systems on Networks
Supervisor: Prof. Anandamohan Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Anandamohan Ghosh

[55] Dr. Subhajit Barman
Thesis Title: Aspects of Divergences in Quantum Field Theory and its Relation with Quantum Gravity Phenomenology; Aspects of black hole physics in different quantum field theories
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[54] Dr. Pinku Saha
Thesis Title: Transport and Structural Studies at Extreme Conditions of Pressure and Temperature
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee

[53] Dr. Jit Sarkar
Thesis Title: Ultrafast Optical and Low Frequency Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Nano-Systems and Quantum Materials
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra and Prof. Kamaraju Natarajan
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra and Prof. Kamaraju Natarajan

[52] Dr. Irina Jana
Thesis Title: Low energy electron collisions with effusive and jet-cooled molecular beams
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi
Year: 2019 [17]

[51] Dr. Subir Kumar Ray
Thesis Title: Polarization Spectroscopy of Plasmonic Metamaterials
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[50] Dr. Sumit Mukherjee
Thesis Title: Computational Analysis of Riboswitches: Detection, Distribution and Patterns of Gene Regulation
Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Sengupta
Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Sengupta

[49] Dr. Santanu Pal
Thesis Title: Orbital and spin dynamics in geometrically frustrated lattices
Supervisor: Prof. Siddhartha Lal
Supervisor: Prof. Siddhartha Lal

[48] Dr. Shubham Chandel
Thesis Title: Mueller matrix spectroscopic studies on plasmonic and complex biomaterials
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[47] Dr. Mandira Pal
Thesis Title: Novel approaches to amplify tiny spin optical effects
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[46] Dr. Sajal Mukherjee
Thesis Title: Carter Constant Its Relativistic and Non Relativistic Application; On Some Aspects of Spinning Objects in Curved Spacetime
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak

[45] Dr. Dipayan Chakraborty
Thesis Title: Low energy electron-molecule collision studies in gas phase
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi

[44] Dr. Sudipta Saha
Thesis Title: Modelling Mueller Matrix of Fluorescence Scattering and Experimental Aspects; Polarized light scattering from complex micro and nano scale optical systems
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[43] Dr. Prateek Verma
Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Sengupta
Supervisor: Prof. Supratim Sengupta

[42] Dr. Shuvojit Paul
Thesis Title: Investigating Non Equilibrium Steady State Hydrodynamics Using Optical Tweezers; Exploring the Dynamics and Interactions of Brownian Particles in Simple and Complex Fluids using Optical Tweezers
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee

[41] Dr. Sayak Ray
Thesis Title: Phases and Dynamics of Rydberg Atoms in an Optical Lattice; Non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many body systems: Application to ultracold atomic gases
Supervisor: Prof. Subhasis Sinha
Supervisor: Prof. Subhasis Sinha

[40] Dr. Arnab Chakrabarti
Thesis Title: Driven Open Quantum Systems in the presence of Thermal Fluctuations
Supervisor: Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya
Supervisor: Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya

[39] Dr. Spriha Kumari
Thesis Title: Study of Electronic Structure of 3d and 5d Transition Metal Compounds
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj

[38] Dr. Subhrajit Modak
Thesis Title: Studies on coherent structures and their dynamics in nonlinear systems
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[37] Dr. Mahashweta Patra
Thesis Title: Strong Electron Electron Correlation Eect On d-wave Superconductor; Global Bifurcations in Three Dimensional Piecewise Smooth Maps
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal and Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal and Prof. Soumitro Banerjee

[36] Dr. Swati Sen
Thesis Title: The study of swelling kinetics of polyelectrolyte gels
Supervisor: Prof. Arindam Kundagrami
Supervisor: Prof. Arindam Kundagrami

[35] Dr. Nivedita Bhadra
Thesis Title: Aspects of Temporal Perturbation in Dynamical Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Year: 2018 [7]

[34] Dr. Sudipta Kumar Bera
Thesis Title: Precise Analysis of the Brownian Dynamics of Optically Trapped Particles in Time and Frequency Domain
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee

[33] Dr. Rajesh Jana
Thesis Title: High Pressure Studies on Multiferroic Oxide Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee

[32] Dr. Dhrubajyoti Mandal
Thesis Title: Dynamics of Piecewise Smooth Maps with Periodic and Stochastic Variation in the Functional Form
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Soumitro Banerjee

[31] Dr. Sourabh Singh
Thesis Title: Study of surface to bulk coupling and Coulomb interaction in Topological Insulator thin films
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra

[30] Dr. Gopal Chandra Sardar
Thesis Title: Aspects of polymer quantization of scalar matter field
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain
Supervisor: Prof. Golam Mortuza Hossain

[29] Dr. Biswarup Ash
Thesis Title: Thermal Melting of Two-Dimensional Coulomb Clusters
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal

[28] Dr. Anuradha Samajdar
Thesis Title: Data Analysis in Gravitational Waves; Some tests of general relativity using gravitational wave observations
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak
Supervisor: Prof. Rajesh Kumble Nayak
Year: 2017 [7]

[27] Dr. Soumya Chakrabarti
Thesis Title: Aspects of Gravitational Collapse and the formation of Spacetime Singularities
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee

[26] Dr. Ankan Mukherjee
Thesis Title: On the Reconstruction of Dark Energy Models
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee

[25] Dr. Pamir Nag
Thesis Title: Development and application of velocity slice imaging spectrometer to study low-energy electron-molecule collisions
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi
Supervisor: Prof. Dhananjay Nandi

[24] Dr. Rupak Kumar Bhattacharya
Thesis Title: Spectroscopy and Carrier Generation with Subbandgap Optical Excitation in Semiconductors
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal and Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal and Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal

[23] Dr. Sumi Bhuyan
Thesis Title: Study of disorder-induced localized states in Semiconductor Nanostructures
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal and Prof. Bipul Pal
Supervisor: Prof. Bhavtosh Bansal and Prof. Bipul Pal

[22] Dr. Nandan Kumar Das
Thesis Title: Multifractal models and inverse light scattering methods for biological tissue characterization and diagnosis
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[21] Dr. Debmalya Chakraborty
Thesis Title: Disorder-induced inhomogeneities in strongly correlated d-wave superconductors
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Year: 2016 [5]

[20] Dr. Radha Krishna Gopal
Thesis Title: Transport Properties of Topological Insulators
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra

[19] Dr. Deepak Kumar Sinha Ambast
Thesis Title: Time-resolved studies on thermo-optical nonlinearities in organic molecules
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal

[18] Dr. Soni Jalpaben Sureshchandra
Thesis Title: Quantitative Mueller matrix polarimetry in biophotonics and nano-plasmonics
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh
Supervisor: Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh

[17] Dr. Dyuti Bhattacharya
Thesis Title: Melting of Coulomb interacting particles, Classical and Quantum (Boltzmann) in different Two-Dimensional Trapping Potential
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Ghosal

[16] Dr. Soumitra Hazra
Thesis Title: Exploring the Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetic Fields
Supervisor: Prof. Dibyendu Nandi
Supervisor: Prof. Dibyendu Nandi
Year: 2015 [8]

[15] Dr. Kumar Abhinav
Thesis Title: Investigation of Lower Dimensional Field-Theoretical and Quantum Mechanical Systems with Broken Parity having Topological Non-perturbative Characteristics
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[14] Dr. Nandan Roy
Thesis Title: Dynamical Systems Analysis of Various Dark Energy Models
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee

[13] Dr. Richarj Mondal
Thesis Title: Picosecond Dynamics in Optically Excited Semiconductors:Exciton Dephasing, Ionization Equilibrium and Pauli Blocking
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal
Supervisor: Prof. Bipul Pal

[12] Dr. Sanhita Paul
Thesis Title: Electronic Structure of Various Bronzes and Polychalcogenides
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj

[11] Dr. Anirudha Ghosh
Thesis Title: Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Doped CdS Nanocrystals
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj
Supervisor: Prof. Satyabrata Raj

[10] Dr. Abhisek Basu
Thesis Title: Perovskite oxide systems at high pressures: Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee
Supervisor: Prof. Goutam Dev Mukherjee

[9] Dr. Tanmoy Chakraborty
Thesis Title: Study of Magnetism and Quantum Correlations in Molecular Magnets and Cu-based Spin Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra

[8] Dr. Basudev Roy
Thesis Title: Study and control of the dynamics of mesoscopic particles in optical tweezers
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Ayan Banerjee
Year: 2014 [2]

[7] Dr. Arghya Choudhury
Thesis Title: Constraining Different SUSY Models In The Light Of LHC Experiments
Supervisor: Prof. and Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. and Prof. Narayan Banerjee

[6] Dr. Harkirat Singh
Thesis Title: Study of Entanglement in Low Dimensional Quantum Spin Systems and Magnetic Study of Classical Systems
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
Supervisor: Prof. Chiranjib Mitra
Year: 2013 [2]

[5] Dr. Vyas Vivek Maheshkumar
Thesis Title: Electromagnetic response of two low dimensional systems: Graphene and Optical Fibre
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[4] Dr. Barun Majumder
Thesis Title: Aspects of Quantum Cosmology and Generalized Uncertainty Principle
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Supervisor: Prof. Narayan Banerjee
Year: 2012 [1]

[3] Dr. Jishadkumar. T.M.
Thesis Title: Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Quantum Brownian Motion
Supervisor: Prof. and Prof.
Supervisor: Prof. and Prof.
Year: 2011 [2]

[2] Dr. Priyam Das
Thesis Title: An Investigation of the Collective Modes and Phases of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Supervisor: Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi

[1] Dr. Nabanita Bhattacharyya
Thesis Title: NA
Supervisor: Prof.
Supervisor: Prof.