Seminar in Physics: Focusing on Women in Scientific Leadership
The aim of this initiative is to foster a meaningful network between some of the leading past and present...
DPS Day 2025
We will be celebrating DPS day on 19th March 2025. There will be many exciting talks by our former and cu...
DPS Ph.D student Sujit Rajak got best poster award!
The DPS Ph.D student Sujit Rajak working in the bioNap Research Laboratory has received the Best Poster a...
Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been elected as a Fellow of OPTICA!
Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been elected as a Fellow of OPTICA (Optical Society of America) 2025. Many many ...
The first Inter IISER-IISC physics newsletter CANONICAL got published recently. On behalf of the DPS stud...
Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has received Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA) grant of approx. 4 Crore.
We are happy to share that Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh of Department of Physical Sciences and CESSI has received...
Aspects of Gravity and Cosmology
The Department of Physical Sciences will be hosting a two-day national conference on the 25th and 26th of...
Appointment of Prof. Dhananjay Nandi as the Head of the Department
We are happy to inform you that Prof. Dhananjay Nandi has taken charge of the Chair, DPS from September 6...
Observing a Century of Quantum Mechanics
A 4-day international conference on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
A hundred years of the development of quantum mechanics is approaching. As we know, speedy developments happened from 1924 to 1927. Even though we are approaching a century of its existence, many problems relating to the foundations of quantum mechanics remain unsolved. <...
Undergrad vision: Young physicists' symposium
Date: 25th August 2024
Time: 2:00 PM IST
Venue: Asima Chatterjee Lecture Theatre, 2nd Floor, RC
This unique initiative by Gluon offers the younger members of DPS, along with other BS-MS students, a platform to share their insights with peers. In our opening session, six speakers will present their ideas on various fields, ranging from a...
Bibha Chowdhuri Memorial Lecture: Prof. Vandana Nanal (TIFR Mumbai) -- Is neutrino its own antiparticle?
The nuclear beta decay revealed the existence of neutrino more than eight decades ago, but the neutrino s...
Dr. Raghunath Ghara joins as a Ramanujan Fellow
Dr. Raghunath Ghara has recently joined DPS, IISER-Kolkata as a Ramanujan Fellow. His research area is As...
DPS Outreach
The children affected by Manipur violence recently took part in outreach activities organised by the DPS....
Convocation 2024
Congratulations to all the graduating students from the Department of Physical Sciences. This year, twent...
Director's Gold Medals
Congratulations Varun Kushwaha and Deyasini Roy for winning Director's Gold Medals...
Chairman's Medal of Excellence
Congratulations to Dhavala Sai Srinivas for winning the Chairman's Medal of Excellence!...
Dr. Prantika Bhowmik joins IISc as an Assistant Professor
It is a matter of immense pride to us that our alumni, Dr. Prantika Bhowmik, PhD student of Prof. Diby...
Anand Dev Ranjan awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship
Anand Dev Ranjan has been awarded a 2024 Optics and Photonics Scholarship by SPIE, the International S...
Jeeban Kumar Nayak awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship
Jeeban Kumar Nayak has been awarded a 2024 Optics and Photonics Scholarship by SPIE, the international...
Seminar in Physics: Focusing on Women in Scientific Leadership
The aim of this initiative is to foster a meaningful network between some of the leading past and present...
DPS Day 2025
We will be celebrating DPS day on 19th March 2025. There will be many exciting talks by our former and cu...
DPS Ph.D student Sujit Rajak got best poster award!
The DPS Ph.D student Sujit Rajak working in the bioNap Research Laboratory has received the Best Poster a...
Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been elected as a Fellow of OPTICA!
Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been elected as a Fellow of OPTICA (Optical Society of America) 2025. Many many ...
The first Inter IISER-IISC physics newsletter CANONICAL got published recently. On behalf of the DPS stud...
Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has received Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA) grant of approx. 4 Crore.
We are happy to share that Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh of Department of Physical Sciences and CESSI has received...
Aspects of Gravity and Cosmology
The Department of Physical Sciences will be hosting a two-day national conference on the 25th and 26th of...
Appointment of Prof. Dhananjay Nandi as the Head of the Department
We are happy to inform you that Prof. Dhananjay Nandi has taken charge of the Chair, DPS from September 6...
Observing a Century of Quantum Mechanics
A 4-day international conference on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
A hundred years of the development of quantum mechanics is approaching. As we know, speedy developments happened from 1924 to 1927. Even though we are approaching a century of its existence, many problems relating to the foundations of quantum mechanics remain unsolved. <...
Undergrad vision: Young physicists' symposium
Date: 25th August 2024
Time: 2:00 PM IST
Venue: Asima Chatterjee Lecture Theatre, 2nd Floor, RC
This unique initiative by Gluon offers the younger members of DPS, along with other BS-MS students, a platform to share their insights with peers. In our opening session, six speakers will present their ideas on various fields, ranging from a...
Bibha Chowdhuri Memorial Lecture: Prof. Vandana Nanal (TIFR Mumbai) -- Is neutrino its own antiparticle?
The nuclear beta decay revealed the existence of neutrino more than eight decades ago, but the neutrino s...
Dr. Raghunath Ghara joins as a Ramanujan Fellow
Dr. Raghunath Ghara has recently joined DPS, IISER-Kolkata as a Ramanujan Fellow. His research area is As...
Director's Gold Medals
Congratulations Varun Kushwaha and Deyasini Roy for winning Director's Gold Medals...
Chairman's Medal of Excellence
Congratulations to Dhavala Sai Srinivas for winning the Chairman's Medal of Excellence!...
Dr. Prantika Bhowmik joins IISc as an Assistant Professor
It is a matter of immense pride to us that our alumni, Dr. Prantika Bhowmik, PhD student of Prof. Diby...
Anand Dev Ranjan awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship
Anand Dev Ranjan has been awarded a 2024 Optics and Photonics Scholarship by SPIE, the International S...
Jeeban Kumar Nayak awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship
Jeeban Kumar Nayak has been awarded a 2024 Optics and Photonics Scholarship by SPIE, the international...
Probing Shallow and Deep Oxygen Traps in Binary Transition Metal Oxide, CoV2O6, Using Ultrafast Pump Probe Spectroscopy
Title: Probing Shallow and Deep Oxygen Traps in Binary Transition Metal Oxide, CoV2O6...
Patterning biomolecules (including proteins such as antigens and antibodies) in pre-designed, parallel architectures can be a game-changer in rapid, inexpensive diagnostics. However, typical patterning methodologies, including top-down approaches such as photolithography and e-beam lithography, or bottom-up approaches such as solgel nanofabricat...
Ultra stable three-dimensional Photophoretic trap in air facilitated by single Multimode fiber.
Research Highlight: Light-Matter Lab
Title: Ultra stable three-dimensional...
Spin-direction-spin coupling of quasiguided modes in plasmonic metamaterials
Simultaneous demonstration of the forward (left) and inverse (right) spin Hall eff...
Research Highlights from Ultrafast and Terahertz spectroscopy (UFTS) group led by Dr. Kamaraju
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) in monolayer or few-layers form have attracted significant interest due to their intriguing physical properties, such as layer-dependent band structure, high exciton binding energy, valley selective opt...
Lattice anharmonicity and incomplete soft mode
Harvesting and use of solar energy as an alternate source of green energy has generat...
A Surprising Link between Cosmic Magnetism and Life
Exploration of planets in our own solar system and the discovery of more than 5000...
Radio telescopes detected the gravitational waves hum by studying pulsars
On June 29, an international group of scientists recorded the hum of the gravitati...
Research Highlights from Ultrafast and Terahertz spectroscopy (UFTS) group led by Dr. Kamaraju Natarajan
Covellite (CuS) is a direct band gap p-type semiconductor with a high intrinsic hole population causing localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) in NIR regime. Though these highly dense (~10 21 /cm 3 ) hole populations have imme...
Ultrafast THz Spectroscopy Group: Investigation of conductivity and shielding efficiency of the free-standing PVA-GO-Ag composite thin films in terahertz regime using time domain terahertz spectroscopy
In this work, the researchers from ultrafast and THz lab at IISER Kolkata have prepared five free-standing films of PVA-GO-Ag composites by varying AgNP weight fractions (0.0 wt. % to 0.64 wt. %) and investigated them using our home-built THz-TDS setup in 0.45 to 2.45 THz range. Complex THz conductivities of these materials have been fitted using u...
Position-position classical entanglement of light from bioNap research group (Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh)
"Position-position classical entanglement of light" has been published in Lasers & Ph...
Photoexcited Ultrafast Dynamics of Free Carriers and Polarons in V2O5 Microparticles through Time-Resolved Nondegenerate Pump Probe Spectroscopy (Dr. Kamaraju Natarajan
V2O5 is a very promising material with a wide range of applications, including light harvesting, energy storage, photocatalysis, photodetectors, solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and wave guides. However, for optimal device performance as well as from a fundamental physics point of view, a proper understanding of carrier dynamics in V2O5 based sy...