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DPS Day and CESSI@10

Physics days is an annual celebration of Physics conducted by the Department of Physical Sciences and associated Centres at IISER Kolkata. This year's celebration focuses on astronomy, astrophysics and space science research pursued by the Center of Excellence in Space Scienes India (CESSI), which has completed 10 years of functioning. An additional theme centres around quantum information and technology pursued at the Physics Department. Several talks by invited speakers and our senior PhD students, and a poster session will provide a flavour of both the national scenario, as well as research highlights from IISER Kolkata.


Posted on: March 6th, 2024

Correlated Quantum Matter Workshop

A two-day workshop on “Correlated Quantum Matter” is to be held in IISER Kolkata between 18-19 April 2024. The workshop would bring together leading practitioners of quantum condensed matter physics from the country and abroad to discuss the latest developments in the field.

Correlated quantum many-body systems have played an important role in our understanding of fundamental phenomena in nature from symmetry breaking to topological phases of matter. Emergent properties in these systems have led to diverse phenomena from superconductivity to spin liquids to the quantum hall effect. Correlated quantum matter is also intrinsically tied to the development of modern quantum technologies like quantum computing, quantum sensing, etc. In this context, this workshop will not only lead to a discussion on this timely topic, but it would also be a great opportunity for students and postdocs of IISER Kolkata to be exposed to the frontline research topics in this field.

Among other speakers, Prof. Mohit Randeria and Prof. Nandini Trivedi of Ohio State University, USA, will participate in the workshop and each of them will deliver a DPS colloquium (on 18 and 19 April 2024), which will also be a part of this workshop. We hope that our PhD students, postdocs, and colleagues, particularly those working in the broad area of condensed matter physics, will benefit from the informal academic discussions throughout this workshop.


Posted on: March 1st, 2024

DPS Picnic: 2024

We have the fun-filled DPS picnic on the 3rd of February, 2024. Thanks to all the volunteers ..


Posted on: February 10th, 2024

Research Meet: 2024

The DPS will be hosting its Annual Research Meet this year on 19-20 January 2024. The program will showcase the research activities of the faculty members and postdocs carried out during the last year. Please find the detailed program in the attached document.


Posted on: February 5th, 2024


Gluon is extremely thrilled to announce the long anticipated event Equituition! For those probably wondering what this is all about : An integration bee kind of setting where instead of integration, one needs to find a governing model equation of the system introduced in the problem. Who all can participate : With questions catering to varying levels of difficulty, everyone from every academic level is encouraged to participate - we don\'t discriminate here at Gluon. Why you should join: If the joy of problem solving is simply not enough to remove the inertia, most certainly the glory and fame of the crown will do the job. And if you want something more - worry not, since three exciting prizes will await shall fate bless you in the battlefield. The space time coordinates : (16/09/23-17:30, G, 0, 6) Registration Link :


Posted on: September 13th, 2023

Bibha Chowdhuri Memorial Lecture by Prof. Aditi Sen De

The 2nd Bibha Chowdhuri Memorial Lecture in celebration of women in science will be delivered by Prof. Aditi Sen De of Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.

Dr. Bibha Chowdhuri was the first Indian woman to earn a Ph.D. in Physics. Her work laid down the path towards the discovery of the pion - a short-lived, unstable subatomic particle that showers from high-energy cosmic ray collisions. As a token of recognition for her contributions to astronomy and astrophysics, the International Astronomical Union has re-christened the star HD 86081 as Bibha (a yellow-white dwarf star in the constellation Sextans south of the celestial equator) after her.

Title: Quantum Networks

Abstract: The quantum theory of nature, formalized in the first few decades of the 20th century, contains elements that are fundamentally different from those required in the classical description of nature. Based on the laws of quantum mechanics, in recent years, several discoveries have been reported that can revolutionize the way we think about modern technologies. I will talk about such inventions in the field of communication and some of our recent results in building quantum networks.

Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Time: 3.00 – 4.00 PM (IST)

Venue: Asima Chatterjee Lecture Theatre


Posted on: August 2nd, 2023

Vigyan Pratibha workshop for school teachers at IISER Kolkata

Vigyan Pratibha ( is organizing a workshop for school teachers at IISER Kolkata during 17-21 July 2023. Dr. Deepa Chari from Homi Bhabha Center of Science Education (HBCSE) will be with us on Monday (17th July) and she will brief us about Vigan Pratibha and its activities. She will also discuss how you can contribute to the program. The full program is attached as a pdf document. On behalf of IISER Kolkata, the program is coordinated by Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mohanty of the Department of Physical Sciences.


Posted on: July 26th, 2023

Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi turning 65!

In honor of our senior colleague Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi turning 65 this June 2023, we will be having Rapid Talks with the theme "Physics Trends @ IISER Kolkata" from 28th - 29th June 2023. Most of the talks will be by research scholars/postdocs of IISER Kolkata. The event will start on the 28th with an opening short remark by Prof. Bedangadas Mohanty, NISER. On the evening of 28th June, a felicitation program will be arranged.


Posted on: June 26th, 2023

DPS DAY: 2023

Annual DPS Day will be hosted on the 17th and 18th of March 2023. The main theme of the DPS Day will be "Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Information Science" in view of the recent Nobel Prize in Physics.


Posted on: March 16th, 2023

DPS Research Meet

We hosted an internal research meeting on the 10th and 11th of February 2023 where all faculty members discussed their recent research work.


Posted on: February 11th, 2023

DPS Picnic

Is there a better way to spend a Winter day than having a departmental picnic?


Posted on: February 5th, 2023

DPS hosted Yuval Gefen as an Institute Colloquium Speaker

Prof. Yuval Gefen, The Isabelle and Samuel Friedman Professor of Theoretical Physics , The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel gave an Institute Colloquium titled Weak Measurements: A peephole to the quantum world


Posted on: January 17th, 2023

IAGRG Meeting: 2022

32nd Meeting of Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG32) hosted by IISER Kolkata Department of Physical Sciences at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata from 19th to 21st December, 2022.


Posted on: December 18th, 2022


The DPS @9th Convocation


Posted on: July 14th, 2022

DPS DAY: 2022

The Department of Physical Sciences will host its annual day this year on March 5, 2022 (Saturday)

DPS Day 2022 Schedule:)

10h00-10h30 Welcome by Director & Head

10h30-11h00 Faculty presentations (~5 minutes)

11h00-11h30 Tea/Coffee break

11h30-13h00 Faculty presentations (~5 minutes)

13h00-14h30 Lunch (Packets)

14h30-17h00 Poster (by students & postdocs)

15h30 Tea/Coffee at the poster venue

March 4, 2022


Posted on: March 4th, 2022


The DPS will celebrate its 10 years of existence through a 3-day conference during February 23-25, 2019. See the event schedule for the details.


Posted on: February 15th, 2019


The Asia Pacific Conference and Workshop on Quantum Information Science to be held during 19-23 December 2018 at DPS, IISER Kolkata.


Posted on: December 3rd, 2018


The National Workshop on Studies at Extreme Conditions of Pressure and Temperature will be held at IISER Kolkata during Mar 29-30, 2018.


Posted on: March 20th, 2018

Workshop on Top Quark Physics during 27-30 January, 2018 at DPS, IISER Kolkata

Workshop on Top Quark Physics at Present and Future Collider during 27-30 January, 2018 at the Department of Physical Sciences IISER Kolkata.


Posted on: January 20th, 2018


A two-day workshop is being organized at DPS on “Frontiers areas in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics” during February 23 - 24, 2018. Organizers: Subhasis Sinha, Bhavtosh Bansal, Supratim Sengupta and Siddhartha Lal


Posted on: January 18th, 2018

DPS DAY 2018 ON JANUARY 13, 2018

The DPS Day for the academic year 2017-2018 is being celebrated on 13th January 2018. The invited speakers for the event: Prof. Somak Raychaudhry, IUCAA, Pune; Prof. Ashok Chatterjee, HCU; Prof. M. Krishnamorthy, TIFR, Mumbai; and Prof. Surajit Sengupta, TIFR Hyderabad.


Posted on: December 30th, 2017