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Subhasis Sinha's Group: Self-Trapping Phenomenon, Multistability and Chaos in Open Anisotropic Dicke Dimer

Photons interacting with cold atoms in a coupled cavity system constitute an open quantum system due to its coupling with the environment. This system exhibits a plethora of fascinating out-of-equilibrium dynamical phenomena. Such a coupled cavity system reveals a multistability phenomenon, which enables us to access different nonequilibrium phases depending on the initial configuration. Moreover, photons can be accumulated in one of the cavities, leading to the spontaneous breaking of the symmetry between the two cavities, exhibiting self-trapping phenomena, which is robust against dissipation. Remarkably, this system can host a unique time crystalline phase, called “self-trapped time crystal”, where the photons are dynamically self-trapped. The atom-photon chaotic dynamics can emerge within a certain parameter regime, which can shed light on the rapidly progressing area of dissipative chaos. Furthermore, chaotic motion of photons can also coexist with self-trapped steady state, which allows us to explore chaos-assisted tunneling. Such coupled cavity system can readily be achieved in cavity and circuit QED experimental setups.


Title: “Self-Trapping Phenomenon, Multistability and Chaos in Open Anisotropic Dicke Dimer”

Authors: G. Vivek, Debabrata Mondal, Subhadeep Chakraborty and S. Sinha

Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 𝟭𝟯𝟰, 113404 (2025).

#Research Highlight

Posted on: March 27th, 2025

Bubblesense from DPS won the gold medal at 'Innovatopia' - the first Inter-INCI E-Summit.

IISER Kolkata's team 'Bubblesense', comprising of Mr. Anand Dev Ranjan ( Roll No. 20RS068) , Mr. Om Khare (Roll No. 21MS084) and Ms. Ankita Choudhary (Roll No. 21IP033) from the Department of Physical Sciences, won the gold medal at 'Innovatopia' - the first Inter-INCI E-Summit held at IISER Kolkata on March 22. They showcased their idea on multiple pathogen detection on a single microfluidic chip using microbubble lithography - a technology developed in the Light Matter lab led by Prof. Ayan Banerjee. The team won a cash award of Rs 50,000, along with possible seed funding for their idea to be donated by Prof. S. Sivaram of IISER Pune - who is also part of the advisory board of RISE Foundation IISER, co-hosts of this year's E-Summit


Posted on: March 26th, 2025

Seminar in Physics: Focusing on Women in Scientific Leadership

The aim of this initiative is to foster a meaningful network between some of the leading past and present members of the Gender in Physics Working Group (GIPWG) of the Indian Physics Association (IPA) and the women faculty, students, and postdoctoral fellows at our institute, as well as those from nearby institutions. This collaboration seeks to create a more gender-equitable environment, especially for the many female students in science, and to inspire them to pursue leadership roles in science in the future. The program is scheduled to run from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, featuring talks by prominent women scientists, who will introduce their respective research fields and highlight their key contributions. This will be followed by a panel discussion from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM on the topic: "The Importance of Fostering a Gender-Equitable Environment in Empowering Women and Enabling Them to Step into Leadership Roles within the Scientific Community."


Posted on: March 25th, 2025

DPS Ph.D student Sujit Rajak got best poster award!

The DPS Ph.D student Sujit Rajak working in the bioNap Research Laboratory has received the Best Poster award in the recently concluded DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS 33) held at Medi-Caps University, Indore, March 6-9, 2025. The title of the award-winning poster is - Experimental Observation of Spin-dependent Dispersion of Light in Plasmonic Crystals. Congratulations Sujit!


Posted on: March 18th, 2025

Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been elected as a Fellow of OPTICA!

Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been elected as a Fellow of OPTICA (Optical Society of America) 2025. Many many congratulations! According to a statement from OPTICA, “Nirmalya Ghosh is being recognized for exceptional scientific contributions to optical polarization and related phenomena and development of novel experimental polarimetry systems for diverse applications”. Please note that Optica, Advancing Optics and Photonics Worldwide, is the society dedicated to promoting the generation, application, archiving and dissemination of knowledge in the field. Founded in 1916, it is the leading organization for scientists, engineers, business professionals, students and others interested in the science of light. Optica's renowned publications, meetings, online resources and in-person activities fuel discoveries, shape real-life applications and accelerate scientific, technical and educational achievement.


Posted on: March 18th, 2025


The first Inter IISER-IISC physics newsletter CANONICAL got published recently. On behalf of the DPS student platform GLUON, Medha Roy Choudhury is in the editorial board. It also features two articles from the DPS-CESSI students.


Posted on: March 18th, 2025

Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has received Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA) grant of approx. 4 Crore.

We are happy to share that Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh of Department of Physical Sciences and CESSI has received Scientific and Useful Profound Research Advancement (SUPRA) grant of approx. 4 Crore for the project proposal titled, "Probing near-field assisted spin-orbit interaction effects for fabricating novel spin-orbit interaction meta-devices". It may be pertinent to note SERB-SUPRA is a scheme beyond usual core research grants and is purposefully designed for high quality proposals consisting of new hypotheses or that can challenge existing ones and may offer disruptive technologies at the cutting edge. This scheme seeks to explore new scientific breakthroughs, with long-term impact on our fundamental scientific understanding.

Herewith on behalf of the whole IISER Kolkata research community we congratulate Prof. Ghosh for achieving the high value SUPRA grant.


Posted on: December 26th, 2024

Appointment of Prof. Dhananjay Nandi as the Head of the Department

We are happy to inform you that Prof. Dhananjay Nandi has taken charge of the Chair, DPS from September 6, 2024. We sincerely thank our outgoing chair, Prof. Ayan Banerjee for his great service to the department.


Posted on: September 7th, 2024

Observing a Century of Quantum Mechanics

A 4-day international conference on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

A hundred years of the development of quantum mechanics is approaching. As we know, speedy developments happened from 1924 to 1927. Even though we are approaching a century of its existence, many problems relating to the foundations of quantum mechanics remain unsolved.

The Department of Physical Sciences of IISER Kolkata is organizing an international conference focused on the foundational problems of quantum mechanics. The timing is meant to commemorate Prof Satyendra Nath Bose’s momentous contribution in 1924.

Venue: Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata

Dates: 18-21 December 2024


Posted on: September 2nd, 2024

Probing Shallow and Deep Oxygen Traps in Binary Transition Metal Oxide, CoV2O6, Using Ultrafast Pump Probe Spectroscopy

Title: Probing Shallow and Deep Oxygen Traps in Binary Transition Metal Oxide, CoV2O6, Using Ultrafast Pump Probe Spectroscopy

Authors: Anjan Kumar N M, Soumya Mukherjee, Souvick Chakraborty, Ayan Mondal, Debabrata Samanta, Goutam Dev Mukherjee, Venkataramanan Mahalingam, Satyabrata Raj, N. Kamaraju.

Journal: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (

Transition metal oxides, while promising for optoelectronics, often suffer from performance limitations due to carrier trapping defects. Understanding and mitigating these traps is crucial for enhancing device efficiency.

This study focuses on CoV2O6, a transition metal oxide with unique optical and magnetic properties. Using femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, we investigated the ultrafast optical dynamics of CoV2O6 microparticles. Our analysis revealed two distinct types of traps: shallow band-edge states and deeper mid-gap states. These traps were identified through steady-state absorption and photoluminescence measurements, supported by first-principles DFT calculations.

Kinetic modelling of the transient absorption data further confirmed the existence of these traps and their role in capturing photoexcited carriers. We found that shallow traps capture carriers within approximately 2 picoseconds, while deep traps capture them within 30 picoseconds. Our model predicts that approximately 44 % of photoexcited carriers are trapped in shallow traps, and 40 % in deep traps.

This research provides valuable insights into the carrier dynamics and trapping mechanisms in CoV2O6, paving the way for strategies to improve its optoelectronic performance.

The article is now online:

#Research Highlight

Posted on: September 2nd, 2024

Undergrad vision: Young physicists' symposium

Date: 25th August 2024

Time: 2:00 PM IST

Venue: Asima Chatterjee Lecture Theatre, 2nd Floor, RC

This unique initiative by Gluon offers the younger members of DPS, along with other BS-MS students, a platform to share their insights with peers. In our opening session, six speakers will present their ideas on various fields, ranging from astrophysics to condensed matter physics.


1. Archis Mukhopadhyay: Looking for magnetized jellyfish in a toy Universe

Abstract: Large scale cosmological hydrodynamical simulations can provide us with a wide range of information about galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the multiphase gas in and around galaxies. They provide us with large samples of galaxies in realistic environments, and allow us to infer information about galaxies at a population level. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to IllustrisTNG, how large simulation data is handled, and the preliminary results from my analysis.

2. Bhaskar Barman: Hot electron relaxation in Metals

Abstract: In this talk we will review of the phenomena related to non-equilibrium electron relaxation in metals using two temp. model .Considering the Boltzmann-Bloch-Peierls (BBP) kinetic equation ,we will find the net phonon generation rate and derive the average energy transfer relation between electron and phonon in low and high temperature limit .

3. Sabarinath M D: Mapping the moon

Abstract: The talk will cover the procedures involved in element mapping on Lunar Surface, using the data of Chandrayaan 2 CLASS payload. I shall also tell about the practical difficulties and some unique findings on the moon surface during the internship. I will provide some interesting methodologies employed and some great features of the X ray range emissions of the moon.

4.Rohan Kumar: Developing a flare detection pipeline to characterize the flare frequency distribution around low mass stars

Abstract: In this talk , I am going to discuss my work related to developing a stellar flare detection pipeline in Python. It has been tested it on optical light curve data from NASA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Transiting Exoplanet Surveyed Satellite. Our pipeline can be broken down into two steps; first, we detrend the light curve to remove the long-term variation or quasi-periodic stellar rotation from the light curve; second, we search for the flares in the detrended light curve. The flare search is performed by classifying significant contiguous outliers, which makes the detection entirely data-driven.We performed injection-recovery tests to tune the flare search parameters to maximize the detection efficiency while keeping the false positive rate low. Our injection recovery test clearly shows the importance of higher cadence observations and the optimal flare search parameters. Our pipeline will ultimately be used to generate flare frequency distribution for mid-to-late M dwarfs.

5.R.Pradeep: Quantum Communication methods for secure communication: Quantum key distribution, Quantum secret sharing and Quantum dialogue protocols.

Abstract: Secure communication between parties can be done using the quantum properties like superposition and entanglement. If security is based on one way computable functions like prime factorisation , it could bee broken through quantum algorithms like Shors algorithm. If we design our security based on laws of quantum mechanics then it would be unconditionally secure and some of the few standard methods will be discussed in this talk.

6.Sanghamitra Basu: Exploring stress and strain in doped β-Ga2O3 crystals.

Abstract:Powder X-ray diffraction studies were conducted on undoped β-Ga2O3 crystals and nine samples doped with various 3d transition metals, starting from Scandium. Our comparative analysis focused on the chemical pressure induced within the lattice by the different dopants used such as strain and twist. Experimental data was fitted using the FullProf Suite, employing the Profile Matching with Constant Scale Factor method to extract precise lattice parameters. Additionally, the Modified-Williamson Hall plot was utilized to investigate the variations in mechanical microstrain along different crystallographic directions and across the doped samples. We additionally annealed 2 samples (undoped and V-doped) to see the changes in microstrain using the same Modified Williamson-Hall method. This comprehensive study provides new insights into the structural and mechanical impacts of transition metal doping in β-Ga2O3 crystals.


Posted on: August 23rd, 2024

Dr. Raghunath Ghara joins as a Ramanujan Fellow

Dr. Raghunath Ghara has recently joined DPS, IISER-Kolkata as a Ramanujan Fellow. His research area is Astrophysics and Cosmology, while the major focus has been theoretical studies of the Epoch of Reionization using numerical simulations. He is a member of the LOFAR-EoR group, NenuFAR science team, SKA-India EoR and Cosmology science team and SKA science team which aim to probe the properties of the University during the first billion years. Raghunath did his B.Sc. from Calcutta University in 2009. After that he joined the integrated PhD. Program of Harish-Chandra Research Institute where he completed his M.Sc. and received a degree from Homi Bhabha National Institute in 2012. Afterwards he moved to the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA-TIFR) where he completed his PhD in 2016. Following this he went for several postdoctoral positions at Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden), Technion (Haifa, Israel), Open University of Israel (Ra'anana, Israel) and UPenn & Haverford (Philadelphia, USA) before he returned to India with the Ramanujan Fellowship.


Posted on: July 12th, 2024

Convocation 2024

Congratulations to all the graduating students from the Department of Physical Sciences. This year, twenty-one students graduated with a Ph.D degree and three students graduated with an MS degree from the I-PhD programme. Fifty-eight students graduated with a 5-year BS-MS degree, two students with a 4-year BS degree, and one student with a 3-year BS degree.


Posted on: June 22nd, 2024

Director's Gold Medals

Congratulations Varun Kushwaha and Deyasini Roy for winning Director's Gold Medals


Posted on: June 22nd, 2024

Chairman's Medal of Excellence

Congratulations to Dhavala Sai Srinivas for winning the Chairman's Medal of Excellence!


Posted on: June 22nd, 2024

Dr. Prantika Bhowmik joins IISc as an Assistant Professor

It is a matter of immense pride to us that our alumni, Dr. Prantika Bhowmik, PhD student of Prof. Dibyendu Nandi, has joined the Physics Department of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, as a faculty member.

Prantika was a first batch PhD student at the Centre of Excellence in Space Sciences, India (CESSI), joining the program in 2013. Her thesis focused on the development of computation models for forecasting the Sun\'s magnetic cycle. She received the Justice Oak Best Thesis Award from the Astronomical Society of India and the PhD at Large prize of the International Astronomical Union for her thesis work. Subsequently, she moved to the Solar Group at the Department of Mathematics at Durham University as a Postdoc. Finally, she joined IISc as an Assistant Professor this month.


Posted on: June 7th, 2024

Anand Dev Ranjan awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship

Anand Dev Ranjan has been awarded a 2024 Optics and Photonics Scholarship by SPIE, the International Society for optics and photonics, for potential contributions to optics, photonics, or a related field.

Dev Ranjan is currently working with Professor Ayan Banerjee in the Department of Physical Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (India). He focuses on two significant challenges in today’s world: The growing demand for faster and more cost-effective biosensors, supplemented by a need for more congenial fabrication strategies. “My work focuses on microbubble lithography - a technique for developing microscopic patterns of diverse materials using microbubbles created by a high-intensity laser spot inside optical tweezers,” noted Dev Ranjan. “These microbubbles can cause dispersed materials to self-assemble, resulting in the formation of continuous patterns.” Dev Ranjan is harnessing this technique to develop a multi-disease diagnostic platform. “I am pursuing research with a motivation to serve both science and society,” said Dev Ranjan. “Thank you, SPIE, for appreciating my work. I am especially grateful to my family, friends, professors, and Krushna.”

This month, the Society is awarding $303,000 in scholarships to 72 outstanding SPIE Student Members, based on their potential contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline. Successful applicants were evaluated, selected, and approved by the SPIE Scholarship Committee, chaired by SPIE Senior Member Brian Primeau.


Posted on: May 28th, 2024

Jeeban Kumar Nayak awarded an SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship

Jeeban Kumar Nayak has been awarded a 2024 Optics and Photonics Scholarship by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for potential contributions to optics, photonics, or a related field.

Nayak is a Senior Research Fellow in the Bio-Optics and Nanophotonics Lab at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (India), specializing in optics and photonics. “My primary research interest is investigating spin-orbit interactions of light in nanostructures,” said Nayak. “Additionally, I am working on developing various microscopy and sensing technologies with potential applications in biomedical research, chemical sciences, and metrology. The Optics and Photonics Scholarship from SPIE will greatly enhance my enthusiasm for pursuing a career in photonics and provide significant support for my future endeavors.”

This month, the Society is awarding $303,000 in scholarships to 72 outstanding SPIE Student Members, based on their potential contribution to optics and photonics, or a related discipline. Successful applicants were evaluated, selected, and approved by the SPIE Scholarship Committee, chaired by SPIE Senior Member Brian Primeau.


Posted on: May 28th, 2024

Visit from OUAT, Bhubaneswar

College students (BSc) from OUAT, Bhubaneswar came to visit DPS labs on 6th March 2024 from 10:00 to 13:00 hrs. There were 21 students and they visited several labs in a group of seven people.


Posted on: March 6th, 2024

Ph.D. programme for the Autumn of 2024

IISER Kolkata invites applications from motivated students for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme for the Autumn of 2024. The selected candidates can do a Ph.D. in any of the following disciplines: Biological Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Computational and Data Sciences, Earth Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physical Sciences, and Space Sciences.

● PhD application portal opens: 01.03.2024

● Application portal closes: 30.04.2024


Posted on: March 1st, 2024

Niladri Modak received the Best Thesis Award at NPC 2024

Our former DPS PhD student Niladri Modak’s Ph.D. thesis titled "Weak Measurements in Spin-Orbit Optical Systems: Fundamental Consequences and Application Prospects" and supervised by Prof. Nirmalya Ghosh has been selected for the Best Thesis Award at the National Physicists' Conclave 2024 (NPC 2024). NPC 2024 is a prestigious gathering of physicists, physics enthusiasts, researchers, and experts from across India.


Posted on: February 10th, 2024

Best Paper Award for Jeeban Kumar Nayak

The DPS PhD student Jeeban Kumar Nayak’s paper titled, “Spin-Direction-Spin Coupling of Quasiguided Modes in Plasmonic Crystals” (Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 193803 (2023) has been selected as the Best Publication of the Year 2023 at the National Physicists' Conclave 2024. NPC 2024 is a prestigious gathering of physicists, physics enthusiasts, researchers, and experts from across India. The award-winning work is the outcome of collaborative research of bioNap & Light-Matter Lab, DPS. Jeeban Kumar Nayak, a PhD student of DPS and a former BS-MS student is the primary author of this paper. The other students who were involved in this research are, Shyamal Guchhait (PhD), Harley Suchiang (former BS-MS student), and Subir Kumar Ray (former PhD student). This work was published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 193803 (2023) and featured on the cover page.


Posted on: February 10th, 2024

Research Meet: 2024

The DPS will be hosting its Annual Research Meet this year on 19-20 January 2024. The program will showcase the research activities of the faculty members and postdocs carried out during the last year. Please find the detailed program in the attached document.


Posted on: February 5th, 2024

Prof. Ayan Banerjee is the new DoSA!

Prof. Ayan Banerjee, DPS has been appointed w.e.f 01.02.2024 as the Dean of Students' Affairs (DoSA) for three years. Congratulations Ayan!


Posted on: February 5th, 2024

Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya is the new DoAA!

Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya, DPS has been appointed w.e.f 01.02.2024 as the Dean of Academic Affairs (DoAA) for three years. Congratulations Rangeet!


Posted on: February 5th, 2024

Prof. Dibyendu Nandi received the Peraiah Foundation Lectureship Award

Prof. Dibyendu Nandi received the Peraiah Foundation Lectureship Award for the year 2023. The lectureship is given every two years for outstanding work in theoretical astrophysics.


Posted on: January 8th, 2024

Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi leads the building of a Center of Quantum computing.

Our former colleague Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi joined Siksha 'O' Anusandh University, Bhubaneswar with the task of building a Center of Quantum computing. We wish Prasanta great success in his new endeavor.


Posted on: January 3rd, 2024

Prof. Soumitra Banerjee: Director of IISER Kolkata.

Prof. Soumitra Banerjee of DPS has been assigned the charge of the Director of IISER Kolkata. Congratulations SB!


Posted on: December 20th, 2023

Sakshi Gupta joined Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) as a scientist!

DPS Ph.D. student Sakshi Gupta was offered a Scientist position at the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) of the Ministry of Defense, Government of India. She joined her position at DRDO in November 2023. Sakshi's research, supervised by Dibyendu Nandi, focuses on understanding the influence of stellar magnetized plasma winds on planetary and exoplanetary atmospheres. Many many congratulations!


Posted on: December 12th, 2023

Yoshita Baruah was awarded a SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

DPS Integrated Ph.D. student Yoshita Baruah was awarded a SCOSTEP Visiting Scholarship at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and has completed her 3-month research visit from August to October 2023. Yoshita was also selected for the NASA Heliophysics Summer School at Boulder USA and attended the school in July 2023. Yoshita's research performed at CESSI and supervised by Dibyendu Nandi focuses on space weather and its impact on satellites.


Posted on: December 12th, 2023

Faculty Positions Available! Application Deadline: 10 December, 2023

The Department of Physical Sciences at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata seeks applications from eligible candidates for appointment as faculty at all levels, although preference would be given to recruitment at the Assistant Professor level. Note that this is a fresh call for applications in priority areas, and it is preferred that any past applicants who fit into these areas (given below), apply to this specific call by the deadline.

The Department’s research portfolio encompasses almost all major areas of physics, exploring ideas and phenomena that encompass several orders of magnitude not only in terms of length but also in energy and time. The topics currently covered include condensed matter physics and material science, biophysics, soft matter physics, complex systems, light-matter interaction, astrophysics, space science, gravitation and cosmology, high energy physics, atomic and molecular physics, non-linear dynamics, quantum information processing, quantum computation, and mathematical physics. The experimental endeavours are well supported by several high-end instruments and facilities such as Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device), custom-designed velocity map Imaging Spectrometry, ultra-fast spectroscopy (including a Femtosecond laser oscillator and amplifier), Atomic Force Microscopy, and many others. Some of our experimentalists have also developed state-of-the-art apparatus which include optical tweezers and photonic force spectroscopy, dark field fluorescence Mueller Matrix polarization spectroscopy, and low-temperature electron spin resonance (ESR) towards quantum computation. Additionally, DPS faculty have also contributed to the creation of two Centres of Excellence supported by generous extramural funding from various Ministries of the Government of India: the Centre of Excellence in Space Sciences, India (CESSI), and the National Centre for High-Pressure Studies (NCHPS). DPS has recently also inducted a high-performance computational facility for its members.

Through this specific recruitment drive we are seeking to appoint a few faculty members in the following priority areas to enhance and complement our activities. Applicants must add one of the following areas in the 'Research Area' field in the application form.

1. Experimental Condensed Matter Physics 2. Experimental High Energy Physics 3. Experimental Soft Matter Physics 4. Observational Astronomy 5. Experimental Optics and Spectroscopy

Prospective faculty applicants from other areas can apply through the rolling advertisement.

Application Deadline: 10 December, 2023

We particularly encourage applications from under-represented groups. For eligibility criteria and other requirements, standard MoE norms will be followed. The Government of India's policy regarding reservations will be adhered to during recruitment at all levels.


Posted on: November 18th, 2023

Physical Reviwew Letter publication by Mr. Adway Kumar Das and Dr. Anandamohan Ghosh. Congratulations!

Adway Kumar Das, Anandamohan Ghosh, Ivan M. Khaymovich published in Physical Review Letters (Vol. 131, No. 16). Many congratulations! DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.166401


Posted on: November 16th, 2023

Joint research of bioNap & Light Matter Lab is in the cover page of Physical Review Letters!

“Spin-Direction-Spin Coupling of Quasiguided Modes in Plasmonic Crystals” has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 193803 (2023) and featured on the cover page. Jeeban Kumar Nayak, a Ph.D. student of DPS and a former BS-MS student, is the primary author of this paper. The other students who were involved in this research are, Shyamal Guchhait (PhD), Harley Suchiang (former BS-MS student), and Subir Kumar Ray (former PhD student).


Posted on: November 13th, 2023

IISER Kolkata wins GOLD in iGEM 2023!

The IISER Kolkata iGEM team has bagged Gold in the iGEM 2023 competition. The team included three students from the Department of Physical Sciences - Soumyajit Datta, Swarnendu Saha, and Pratyay Pal. Prof. Rumi De from the DPS was one of the PIs whose guidance was invaluable!


Posted on: November 7th, 2023

𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗨𝗡!

Prof. Dibyendu Nandi and a team of students and staff from CESSI and Physics were invited to witness the launch of the ISRO Aditya,-L1 mission from Sriharikota. CESSI, IISER Kolkata personnel have contributed to the development of the Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope onboard the Aditya-L1 satellite. Prof. Nandi is a Co-I on the mission and a member of the Aditya Science Working Group. As Chairperson, he also led the Aditya-L1 Space Weather Monitoring and Predictions Plan Committee for ISRO envisioning how mission data can be used to extract space weather relevant information.


Posted on: September 9th, 2023

Welcome to the new Ph.D. batch

Welcome to our new batch of Ph.D. students! We wish you a fruitful research experience in the coming years! Also, enjoy your stay @IISER, Kolkata.


Posted on: August 18th, 2023

'UNIVERSE' written by our postdoctoral fellow Dr. P. C. Lalremruati!

This book, "UNIVERSE" written in the Mizo language, is part of an astronomy outreach for the local Mizo people. The book is prepared precisely in most laymen's terms without losing the philosophy of science. This is the first-ever book recorded in Mizo literature that is mainly devoted entirely to the understanding of the universe. The book starts with an introduction to particle physics and ends with the ultimate fate of the universe. It also includes chapters separately on a timeline of astronomy, the importance of astronomy in daily life, an introduction to the general theory of relativity, the large-scale structure of the universe, exploring the solar system, the life of stars, the galactic centre, exoplanets and astronomical techniques.


Posted on: August 10th, 2023

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 for Niladri Modak

Niladri Modak, IPhD student of the Department of Physical Sciences (DPS) and working in the bio-optics & Nanophotonics (bioNap) laboratory, has received the best thesis award in the 15th PHOTONICS conference organized at IISc, Bengaluru during 5-8 July 2023.

The biennial international conference PHOTONICS is a premier conference in the emerging areas of Photonic science and technologies and Optical Physics. Niladri’s PhD thesis entitled, “Weak Measurements in Spin-Orbit Optical Systems: Fundamental Consequences and Application Prospects” has been selected for the best thesis award in the Doctoral Symposium of PHOTONICS 2023. Congratulations Niladri!


Posted on: July 14th, 2023

Director’s Gold Medal and Chairman’s Gold Medal for Suprabha Mukhopadhyay.

Congratulations Suprabha Mukhopadhyay (18MS095) for receiving both Director’s Gold Medal (highest CGPA in the DPS) and the Chairman’s Gold Medal (Best academic performance of a student securing overall highest CGPA across all departments). The award has given on the occasion of the 10th convocation of IISER Kolkata on the 27th of July, 2023.


Posted on: June 29th, 2023

Fazal Kareem, a DPS undergraduate student, is a part of the collaboration of the gravitational wave discovery.

Indian Pulsar Timing Array reports early signs of a Gravitational Wave background in our combined dataset with the European Pulsar Timing Array. These results corroborate with those from NANOGrav and Parkes Pulsar Timing Array. This background likely has its origins in merging supermassive black holes all across the universe, though the signal may have signs of other phenomena such as phase transitions in the earth universe. These experiments use radio telescopes to observe pulsars, rapidly rotating neutron stars which can be used like celestial clocks. As GWs are perturbations in space-time, these experiments detect a change in the way these clocks keep time, hence detecting gravitational waves. Fazal Kareem, an undergrad student at IISER Kolkata is a part of the InPTA team which


Posted on: June 29th, 2023

10th Convocation of IISER Kolkata

We congratulate all DPS students (BS-MS - 54, BS - 1, I-PhD - 7, Ph.D. - 7) who graduated this year. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


Posted on: June 27th, 2023

DPS student involved in 12 exoplanets hunt using statistical tools

Surendra Bhattarai (19MS136) and his team worked on exoplanets detection using Statistical tools like TRICERATOPS, VESPA, and other methods (lightcurve, and radial velocity) since last year, and the paper got published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS): "VaTEST I: Validation of Sub-Saturn Exoplanet TOI-181b in Narrow Orbit from its Host Star". Many many congratulations.

MNRAS DOI: arxiv: After their first successful attempt, they expanded the study and validated 11 more new exoplanets. And this can be also be found on our 2nd paper: "VaTEST II: Statistical Validation of 11 TESS-Detected Exoplanets Orbiting K-type Stars" , which is published a few days ago in the Astronomical Journal (AJ).

And this work got highlighted in Times Of India press release:


Posted on: June 8th, 2023

Adway Kumar Das received Fulbright Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowship.

We are happy to share the news that Adway Kumar Das, Ph.D. student of Prof. Anandamohan Ghosh of DPS, has won the 2023-24 Fulbright Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowship. Many congratulations to him and Prof. Ghosh.


Posted on: May 23rd, 2023

ADG receives INSA Teachers Award!

On an occasion on 9th May 2023, our very own ADG (Dr. Ananda Dasgupta) received the INSA Teachers Award. Many congratulations!


Posted on: May 9th, 2023

Dr. Arnab Chakrabarti becomes an Assistant Professor!

Good news from the Spin Lab! Our former member Dr. Arnab Chakrabarti joined as an assistant professor in the Department of Physics, Rajiv Gandhi University. Congratulations Arnab! Wish you all the best, Arnab!


Posted on: May 5th, 2023

Soumya Mukherjee wins the best poster prize!

Congratulations to Soumya Mukherjee from Ultrafast THz Spectroscopy Group and IISER Kolkata Department of Physical Sciences for the best poster prize in


Posted on: April 20th, 2023

Dr. Debdatta Ray is awarded the INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship

Dr. Debdatta Ray, a National Post-Doctoral Fellow, working in bioNAP lab, Department of Physical Sciences, IISER Kolkata has recently been awarded the INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship. Her award-winning proposal is “Spin-orbit photonics in the palm of your hand: A first-of-its-kind miniaturized weak measurement meta-device with SOI metasurfaces”. Before joining IISER Kolkata, Dr. Ray was working as a post-doctoral fellow in the University of Muenster, Germany with the Women in Science (WIRE) Fellowship. She was also awarded the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship to complete her Ph.D. from the Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland).


Posted on: April 13th, 2023

Nilanjana Chanda wins the Best Paper Presentation award

Nilanjana Chanda, a DPS IPhD student working under the supervision of Prof. Rangeet Bhattacharyya, won the Best Paper Presentation award for the paper titled \"Optimal fidelity in implementing Grover\'s search algorithm on the open quantum system\", at the International Conference on Quantum Computing and Communications (QCC-2023). The conference was hosted at Baba Farid College (affiliated with Punjab University), Bathinda, Punjab, India. February 9-11, 2023.


Posted on: February 16th, 2023

DPS hosted Yuval Gefen as an Institute Colloquium Speaker

Prof. Yuval Gefen, The Isabelle and Samuel Friedman Professor of Theoretical Physics , The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel gave an Institute Colloquium titled Weak Measurements: A peephole to the quantum world


Posted on: January 17th, 2023

IISER Kolkata is the winner of IICM 2022

It is an honour for the Department of Physical Sciences to have talented students who made us proud by making IISER Kolkata the winner of IICM 2022. Hearty congratulations to the following DPS students who were a part of the IISERK contingent: Gold : Arkadeep Mitra (Debate) Anurit Dey , Sanchari Ray (Short film) Silver : Anchit Bhair , Ritwik Piduri, Sanchari Ray, Angshuman Bhandari, Arkoprava Ganguly (Drama) Angshuman Bhandari, Arikta Saha , Anchit Bhair (Short Film) Bronze : Namrata Banerjee (Wall Painting) Rajit Sen , Rajrupa Mondal (Battle of Bands) We will also like to congratulate all the other DPS students who were part of the IICM 2022 contingent from IISER K which includes : Saisrinivas Dhavala (Quiz), Sounak Sinha Biswas (Quiz), Barnali Das(Face painting), Navonil Saha (Photography), Meghna Dutta (Dance), Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay (Dance)


Posted on: January 2nd, 2023

Raj takes charge of Dean, Research and Development

Prof. Satyabrata Raj has recently been appointed as the Dean of Research and Development. Congratulations to him!


Posted on: December 18th, 2022

Qauntum Hamilton-Jacobi Formalism

Congratulations Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi on his new book! The book is published by Springer


Posted on: November 3rd, 2022


Congratulations to Sampurna Karmakar and Saikat Dutta from DPS for receiving the prestigious PMRF fellowship.


Posted on: October 26th, 2022

Dr. Sayan Choudhury from DPS joins Harish-Chandra Research Institute

Our Alumni Dr. Sayan Choudhury from DPS has joined Harish-Chandra Research Institute as a faculty. He is working on the Many-body Physics of Quantum and Ultracold Matter. Congratulations Sayan!


Posted on: October 14th, 2022

Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi assumes the charge of Director, IISER Kolkata

Prof. Prasanta K. Panigrahi, Professor DPS has been assigned the charge of Director, IISER Kolkata w.e.f 12.10.2022. Congratulations Prasant.


Posted on: October 13th, 2022

ICTP Associate

Dr. Koushik Dutta has become an Associate of Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy.Congratulations Prof. Koushik Dutta


Posted on: September 7th, 2022


On the occasion of Teachers' Day, on the first floor of the TRC building, the DPS started the 'CONVERGENCE Corner'! We will have coffee, sofas, and boards. Let the CONVERGENCE Corner emerge as the place for arguments, discussions, and above all fighting over the boards! The director, Prof. Sourav Pal graced the occasion!


Posted on: September 5th, 2022

Rumi as a Women in STEM: Vanguards of lndia@75

We are extremely happy and delighted to share that Dr. Rumi De is a part of the group of 125 women chosen across the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics - "Women in STEM: Vanguards of India@75" : As India celebrates 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' at lndia@75, to highlight the women achievers leading the way across STEM in order to encourage more women to come forward in the sector, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) developed a comprehensive edition of a Compendium on "Women in STEM: Vanguards of lndia@75". The Compendium features the success stories and achievements of women luminaries, academicians, researchers, administrators, policymakers, business strategists, tech leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators, and others who have made a significant mark in the arena of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Prof. Ajay Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, released the Compendium at the Inaugural Session of the Women in STEM Summit on 22 July 2022.


Posted on: July 25th, 2022


The DPS @9th Convocation


Posted on: July 14th, 2022

DPS Video

As promised, here is much awaited DPS movie! Do circulate it among your friends and in your social networks! We thank all the people who helped us immensely in making it! Enjoy ..


Posted on: July 14th, 2022