Bibha Chowdhuri Memorial Lecture by Prof. Aditi Sen De
The 2nd Bibha Chowdhuri Memorial Lecture in celebration of women in science will be delivered by Prof. Aditi Sen De of Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad.
Dr. Bibha Chowdhuri was the first Indian woman to earn a Ph.D. in Physics. Her work laid down the path towards the discovery of the pion - a short-lived, unstable subatomic particle that showers from high-energy cosmic ray collisions. As a token of recognition for her contributions to astronomy and astrophysics, the International Astronomical Union has re-christened the star HD 86081 as Bibha (a yellow-white dwarf star in the constellation Sextans south of the celestial equator) after her.
Title: Quantum Networks
Abstract: The quantum theory of nature, formalized in the first few decades of the 20th century, contains elements that are fundamentally different from those required in the classical description of nature. Based on the laws of quantum mechanics, in recent years, several discoveries have been reported that can revolutionize the way we think about modern technologies. I will talk about such inventions in the field of communication and some of our recent results in building quantum networks.
Date: Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Time: 3.00 – 4.00 PM (IST)
Venue: Asima Chatterjee Lecture Theatre
Posted on: August 2nd, 2023