Ultra stable three-dimensional Photophoretic trap in air facilitated by single Multimode fiber.
Research Highlight: Light-Matter Lab
Title: Ultra stable three-dimensional Photophoretic trap in air facilitated by single Multimode fiber.
Authors: Souvik Sil, Anita Pahi, Aman Anil Punse, and Ayan Banerjee
We show that a multimode fiber with its speckle pattern (three figures in the top center) leads to ultrastable photophoretic traps – an intriguing result since such fibers are generally considered unusable for optical trapping. A single particle (observed as a fluorescent spot in the experimental sample chamber) can be trapped stably for hours as shown in the picture on the left. Particles are trapped in various locations of the speckles as shown in the bottom three pictures. Our data also suggest that other than the radial, an axial restoring force too acts on trapped particles – demanding new research on photophoretic forces.
#Research Highlight
Posted on: January 8th, 2024