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Dr. Raghunath Ghara joins as a Ramanujan Fellow

Dr. Raghunath Ghara has recently joined DPS, IISER-Kolkata as a Ramanujan Fellow. His research area is Astrophysics and Cosmology, while the major focus has been theoretical studies of the Epoch of Reionization using numerical simulations. He is a member of the LOFAR-EoR group, NenuFAR science team, SKA-India EoR and Cosmology science team and SKA science team which aim to probe the properties of the University during the first billion years. Raghunath did his B.Sc. from Calcutta University in 2009. After that he joined the integrated PhD. Program of Harish-Chandra Research Institute where he completed his M.Sc. and received a degree from Homi Bhabha National Institute in 2012. Afterwards he moved to the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA-TIFR) where he completed his PhD in 2016. Following this he went for several postdoctoral positions at Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden), Technion (Haifa, Israel), Open University of Israel (Ra'anana, Israel) and UPenn & Haverford (Philadelphia, USA) before he returned to India with the Ramanujan Fellowship.


Posted on: July 12th, 2024