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Poulami Ghosh

Poulami Ghosh

Research Scholar
Course : Ph.D. ()
Research Guide:
Kamaraju Natarajan
    Location: , DPS, IISER Kolkata
    Email: pg20rs111[ at ]

Research areas

  • Ultrafast and THz dynamics of Quantum materials

For novel THz generation and detection, we wish to look into semiconductor-based heterostructured quantum materials. In addition, we intend to research and comprehend the underlying physics in quantum materials such as topological insulators and 2D materials. We believe combining TI and semiconductor-based quantum materials is a promising research direction. The tools like nonlinear, ultrafast, and THz spectroscopy are used extensively to understand quantum materials, which is a promising area of intense research. We are trying to overcome the significant challenge of producing high-quality bulk topological insulating materials and hetero-structure samples for widespread use in industrial and technological fields.

  • MSc (Physics), IIEST Shibpur, 2017-19
  • BSc (Physics), SA Jaipuria College, 2014-17